The premisis is located on the corner of the mixed use Market Quay development in the centre of Fareham. Occupiers include 5 screen Reel Cinema, Nandos, Slug & Lettuce, Loungers, PINS Bowling, JinZun restaurant and various retail occupiers.
The main surface car park for the town centre is directly in front of the unit.
The premises is arranged over ground and first floor, comprising the following approximate net internal floor area:
Ground Floor:
375.9 sq m 4047 sq ft
First Floor:
167.8 sq m 1807 sq ft
The premises is available by way of a new effectively full repairing and insuring lease for a term by agreement, subject to upward only rent reviews every fifth year.
We have been verbally advised that the premises is assessed as follows:
Rateable Value:
UBR (2024/25):
Rates Payable:
A copy of the EPC is available upon request.